Principal’s Message
Thank you for visiting The John Berne School’s website. These pages have a wide range of information about our school. While there is much to read it is only a glimpse of exactly who we are, what we do and how we do it. I hope you find the information useful as a starting point to possibly contacting us to learn more of what is truly an extraordinary school.
The John Berne School is a Catholic school, a work of the Marist Brothers, governed by Marist Schools Australia Limited. We cater for students from Years 7 to 10; students who struggle in mainstream schools due to social, emotional or mental health challenges. We welcome, accept and love the young people entrusted into our care and are committed to empowering them to grow, develop and follow their individual path. We believe we do this exceptionally well.
As a school in the tradition of the Marist Brothers we heed the call of the founder of the Brothers, St Marcellin Champagnat, to not only educate our students academically and assist them in dealing with whatever challenges confront them, we also focus on ensuring they have every chance to become “good Christians and good citizens”. At Berne we cater for students from across the greater Sydney region. The staff are highly dedicated and experienced in providing quality teaching and learning and pastoral care. The very high teacher to student ratio enables the learning process to address the individual needs of each student in ways mainstream schooling is unable to. The focus is on ensuring each student can develop the necessary skills and attitudes required to adapt, learn and achieve at school and in life.
Our school is heavily supported by many in the wider community particularly the Marist Brothers, Marist Schools Australia Limited and many friends of Berne. To all our supporters I express appreciation and gratitude.
I trust you will find the information on this website of interest to you and I invite you to contact us should you require further details about The John Berne School or if you would like to join our many supporters in adding your own support as we continue to do our best for the students entrusted into our care, giving them every opportunity to achieve wonderful outcomes for their respective futures.
James Le Huray