Enrolment Policy

The John Berne School is a Catholic School in the Marist tradition educating boys and girls from Years 7 to 10. Berne is a Special school that educates students who are not coping in a mainstream setting and present with a variety of needs which include behavioural, social, emotional, mental sensory and learning challenges.

Children from families who are prepared to support Catholic ideals and principles may be considered eligible for enrolment.

Priority is given to referrals from Catholic schools; however, special consideration may be given to individual cases from other school systems.

The essential factor in offering a position at the school is whether the environment and philosophy can contribute to the child’s development, assisting them in addressing the behavioural, emotional or social challenges they face.

There must be a hope that Berne can make a difference in the child’s life. If not, there is a risk of contributing to another failure that will further erode the young person’s esteem.

Enrolments are managed by the Principal and overseen by the Enrolment Counsellor.

Enrolment Procedures

Enrolment enquiries are invited at any time in the school year.
Families are encouraged to make enquiries with the Enrolment Secretary to commence the enrolment process. A visit and tour of the school is welcomed.

An Enrolment Enquiry form is to be completed along with supporting documentation.

The Enrolment Counsellor gathers data from the previous school and family. A psychological assessment may also be required before making a decision about the child’s appropriateness for Berne. This data is presented to the Principal for consideration.

Parents / carers are interviewed by the Principal or Assistant Principal before an enrolment is finalised. The documents required at the interview include the child’s Birth Certificate and immunisation records. A passport, with documents validating the child’s current VISA status, is also necessary if the child does not hold Australian citizenship. Previous school reports, reports from medical practitioners, psychologist reports and any relevant medical records are also required.

In considering an enrolment application the Principal will determine, on the basis of the information and advice provided, if the student and family meet the criteria to fit into the Berne program before arranging an enrolment interview.

An offer of enrolment is made to the student and family if it is deemed the student is ready to enrol at Berne and the student and the student’s family understand the mission, ethos and methods of The John Berne School.

Following the acceptance of a student’s enrolment application, the student is assigned to one of the Berne counselling team who will assist the student in their induction into Berne and provide counselling support throughout their enrolment.

Total fees are made up of the tuition fees, materials fees and an enrolment fee. The school has a policy of maintaining fees similar to a Catholic systemic school. A pastoral approach is adopted for parents experiencing genuine difficulty with the payment of fees.

This enrolment process is consistent with the enrolment policy and philosophy of the Marist Brothers of the Star of the Sea Province for Marist Schools Australia (MSA) governed schools.

Continued Enrolment

A student’s continued enrolment at Berne is dependent on their maintaining a positive, cooperative and engaged commitment to the school’s programs, ethos and methods. Every effort is made by staff to assist students in making the most of the opportunities provided to them.

Staff are dedicated to working with parents and carers to achieve the best outcomes possible.


In compliance with the NSW Education Standards Authority Registration Manual, The John Berne School keeps a register, in a form approved by the Minister, of the enrolments of all children at the School.

Policy date: October, 2014 Reviewed: December, 2024

The John Berne School | Locked Bag 6 Petersham NSW 2049
[email protected] |www.thejohnberneschool.org | 02 9560 9260
A member school of Marist Schools Australia