Privacy Policy
In the course of The John Berne School’s activities, we manage and protect personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), as well as the requirements of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW). This policy outlines the circumstances in which we...
Child Protection Policy
The John Berne School is a Special School owned and conducted by the Marist Brothers. The Marist Brothers were founded for the education and Christian formation of young people, especially the least favoured. Our goals are the same as those of any school: all true education aims at producing persons for others, people who can...
Staff Code of Conduct
Rationale The Catholic Church’s social teaching is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ; all members of staff in Catholic schools work and minister in the name of the Church. Employees of The John Berne School undertake to support the Catholic ethos and the particular Marist ethos of the School. They are expected to promote...
Complaints Policy
The John Berne School’s Complaints Handling Policy The John Berne School welcomes feedback from all members of the school community and takes all complaints or concerns that may be raised seriously. This Complaints Handling Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how to make a complaint. What is a Complaint? A complaint is an...
Pastoral Care and Behaviour Management
Introduction “Champagnat believed that the Lord had entrusted Jean-Baptiste to him and to the Brothers, and he was to be treated as if he was their own child.” This belief underpins the structure of pastoral care at Berne. Pastoral care is at the core of our work at Berne. It rests firmly on our ability...
Student Discipline Policy and Procedures
Introduction The governing body of a registered individual school must demonstrate that the behaviour management and discipline of students observes the principles of procedural fairness and the prohibition of discrimination. Purpose Every student has the right to a learning environment free from bullying and intimidation and to feel safe and happy at school. They also...
Student ICT Acceptable Use Agreement
The John Berne School (hereafter “school”) offers students the opportunity to access the internet and other ICT services as part of the school curriculum. The following guidelines apply to all students accessing any resources through the school’s network: Students must have written permission from a parent or guardian to access the school’s ICT resources. Students...
Enrolment Policy
The John Berne School is a Catholic School in the Marist tradition educating boys and girls from Years 7 to 10. Berne is a Special school that educates students who are not coping in a mainstream setting and present with a variety of needs which include behavioural, social, emotional, mental sensory and learning challenges. Children...