Privacy Policy

Scope of Policy and Source of Obligation

In the course of The John Berne School’s activities, we manage and protect personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), as well as the requirements of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).

Scope of Policy

This policy outlines the circumstances in which we obtain personal information, how we use and disclose that information and how we manage requests to access and/or change that information. 

What is personal information and how do we collect it? 

Personal information is information or an opinion about an individual from which they can be reasonably identified. Depending on the circumstances, we may collect personal information from the individual in their capacity as a student, contractor, volunteer, stakeholder, job applicant, alumni, visitors or others that come into contact with the school.  

In the course of providing services, we may collect and hold: 

• Personal Information including names, addresses and other contact details; dates of birth; next of kin details; photographic images; attendance records and financial information.

• Sensitive Information (particularly in relation to student and parent records) including government identifiers (such as TFN), religious beliefs, nationality, country of birth, professional memberships, family court orders and criminal records.

• Health Information (particularly in relation to student and parent records) including medical records, disabilities, immunisation details and psychological reports.

As part of our recruitment processes for employees, contractors and volunteers, we may collect and hold:

• Personal Information including names, addresses and other contact details, dates of birth, financial information, citizenship, employment references, regulatory accreditation, media, directorships, property ownership and driver’s licence information.

• Sensitive Information including government identifiers (such as TFN), nationality, country of birth, professional memberships, family court orders and criminal records. 

• Health Information (particularly in relation to prospective staff and student records) including medical records, disabilities, immunisation details and psychological reports.

Generally, we will seek consent from the individual in writing before we collect their sensitive information (including health information).

It is noted that employee records are not covered by the APPs where they relate to current or former employment relations between the school and the employee.

Collection of personal information

The collection of personal information depends on the circumstances in which The John Berne School is collecting it. If it is reasonable and practical to do so, we collect personal information directly from the individual.

Full Privacy Policy

To view the privacy policy in full please download it here Privacy Policy.